Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The best quiche you'll ever have

Image source
  •  9-inch pie shell 
  • 1 head of broccoli 
  •  1 cup milk 
  • 3 eggs, beaten 
  •  2 tbsp butter melted 
  •  1 tbsp flour 
  •  1 tsp salt 
  •  1/2-1 tsp pepper 
  •  1/4 tsp nutmeg 
  •  1/4 tsp cayenne 
  •  2 cloves garlic 
  •  3/4 cup shredded extra sharp cheddar (divided) 
  • 1/4 cup shredded parmesan 
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake pie crust about 10 minutes or until bottom is slightly brown. Let cool. Cook broccoli in boiling salted water 4 minutes. Drain broccoli and rinse under cold water to stop cooking, then pat dry, when cool to the touch chop into small pieces. Place 2 tbsp on butter in pan and when melted throw in garlic and saute for 2-3 mins until softened, be careful not to let it brown. Combine milk, eggs, garlic butter, flour, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese and the parmesan; whisk until well blended. Sprinkle remaining 1/4 cup of cheese over crust. Layer broccoli on top and pour egg mixture over. Bake at 375° for 35 to 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. 4 to 6 servings.
 *NOTE: Continue to check on quiche as it is baking, you may need to cover the crust with aluminum foil to prevent it from browning (i.e. burning) too much.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

"I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman" - Former IMF head and all around jackass Dominque Strauss-Kahn (source)

Now he's not denying that he has had sex with these women, he's just denying that he knew they were prostitutes and claiming they were "paid for out of corporate funds from a large construction company".....right. Just like he didn't assault that maid in New York last year.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Choice feminism and the infantilization of women

I thought this recent Klausner piece on Jezebel was right on. It's about the trend for grown-ass women to dress and behave like little girls.
There's so much ukulele playing now, it's deafening. So much cotton candy, so many bunny rabbits and whoopie pies and craft fairs and kitten emphera, and grown women wearing converse sneakers with mini skirts. So many fucking birds.
Girls get tattoos that they will never be able to grow into. Women with master's degrees who are searching for life partners, list "rainbows, Girl Scout cookies, and laughing a lot" under "interests, on their profiles

Now I don't agree with everything the author attacked in this piece, but I do agree it raised some good issues on the larger context. Of course the article created quite a stir, in part due to the fact that the whole "panic pixie dream girl" is in vogue right now, and partly because we want to believe that we chose our own choices. "In this case, that means that some women want to believe that their predilection for rompers and kittens and baby voices reflects their individual personalities and not some trend toward retro, non-threatening femaleness." (Source) Unfortunately, no one chooses their choices in a vacuum. This got me thinking about the phenomenon of “choice feminism,” where women argue that even anti-feminist behaviors are feminist because “feminism is about choice.” If you choose to infantilize yourself - or if you decide that it's ok for others to infantilze you - that means that it isn't misogynistic, because anything you as a woman choose to do is feminist. In fact, the real misogynist is the feminist who’s trying to tell you that the infantilization of women is bad. I've never been entirely comfortable with the idea of labeling some life choices as "feminist" and others as not feminist. Feminism is about how to achieve total legal, social, religious and economic equality for women. Then again, I have no problem saying that women who claim the mantle of feminist but actively support the patriarchy and denigrate other women as making unfeminst choices. But in this case I think it really comes down to the larger issue -
it is a lot easier for men -or even guys or bros-to demean us, if we're girls. It's much harder to bring down a woman, or to call her a moron, when she's not in pigtails and Ring Pops.(source)

You should be able to make the choices that are right for you and that includes dressing how you want. Where choice feminism falls down, though, is in assuming that any of those things are actual choices right now. They're not. You can decide to be OK with it, or you can decide to fight it, but the options aren’t equal -- one of them’s going to make for a much harder life, including being on the receiving end of hostility from people who think you shouldn’t complain. So if you want to wear rompers, talk in a baby voice, and in other ways act like a child. Go ahead! It's your choice! But don’t fool yourself that you’re doing so of your own unconstrained free will.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Darling Ranges Dress

Megan Nielsen makes a lot of wonderful maternity patterns and has several great DIYS for expecting moms on her site as well. I think this is one of the first patterns I've seen for a non-maternity dress and it's lovely. As an added bonus it's perfect for nursing. I think it would look great in a airy cotton with a muted print and it would also provide good practice for making button holes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I'm participating in Lladybird's Knit-Along

And although I may be shooting myself in the foot since I'm not completely in love with the Agatha pattern, I have decided to knit the free Miette
So pretty! Hopefully someone else will be working on this pattern as well since this is my first knit garment I'm probably going to need some troubleshooting assistance.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog for Choice Day 2012

To those of us who came of age during my generation the notion of illegal abortions in an abstract one, regulated to scenes from film and television, not something that could happen in real life. Collectively, we breathed a sigh of relief and got on to doing other important work to fight for equality. However, taking Roe v. Wade for granted and not maintaining vigilance over it has had consequences. Ever more legislation is being passed that imposes draconian rules over a woman’s right to choose. In 2011, the House of Representative voted 8 times on choice-related issues and 26 states enacted one or more anti-choice measures. These have not been small measures either, but laws that erode the very fundamentals choice is based upon. House Bill (H.R. 385) would let hospitals refuse to provide emergency abortion care even when the woman would die without it. Texas recently enacted a law that requires women to receive pre-abortion sonograms, which yes means women have to undergo an unnecessary vaginal probe to
acquire a legal medical procedure.
If we don’t remain vigilant the War on Woman will continue and the effect on choice may be disastrous for years to come. The news isn’t completely grim however, we are strong and we can win if we let our voices be known. In 2011, Mississippi voters rejected a “personhood” ballot measure that would have banned abortion and many types of birth control. Last week, President Obama listened to those of us who had been actively petitioning him to ensure no-cost birth control access for women and stand firm against the heavy lobbying of anti-birth-control organizations. In 2012, everyone should make a commitment to help elect pro-choice candidates and repeal measures that hinder a woman’s right to choose. It is important to become more aware of the attacks on choice that are taking place, don’t let the fact that such measures aren’t being passed in your state make you any less active. If we continue to let anti-choice legislature pass in other states, all will follow suite before long. Enquire into the voting records and statements on choice of politicians, it is important to elect more pro-choice candidates in every type of office. Spread the word. Take a few seconds out of your day to blog, tweet, facebook about issues related to choice. Sign petitions. Start your own. Let this be the year we work to pass an amendment to extend civil rights to woman and lay this issue to rest once and for all.