Tuesday, March 29, 2011

“If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but you think it’s a pig … it’s a pig.”

A great article on a great woman and feminist icon "On Her 77th Birthday, Seven Things I’ve Learned from Gloria Steinem" . This got me to thinking about feminism and fashion. Gloria Steinem --the feminist in a miniskirt, who worked undercover as a playboy bunny in the early 1960s to write about how women are treated at those clubs. Yet, like many other second-wave feminists, Steinem often avoided discussion of women’s bodies for decades to come. Steinem herself could never leave behind those photos of her in the bunny suit, and it was upsetting to her that her looks and her body were often so commented on. It was not until 1981, with the publication of her essay “In Praise of Women’s Bodies,” that she really began to discuss the relationship between societal pressures and how women view themselves.

The pressure on women to have it all, and do it all, can manifest itself in our relationships with our bodies, as much as it does on us to have both a promising career and domestic stability. To quote Ms. Steinem, “Women are told they can have it all, that they can do anything, as long as they also keep doing everything else they were doing before.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Style Inspiration

Gay icon, screen siren, devastator of men, Elizabeth Taylor passed away today. A true Hollywood legend who grew up on the screen, becoming a child star after making "National Velvet" and continuing to grow as an artist as she got older. A classic bombshell, Elizabeth Taylor was quite the style icon.

I think I'll watch "A Place in the Sun" today in honor. The scene between her and Montgomery Clift were she pulls him close after he exclaims "If I could only tell you how much I love you. If I could only tell you all", and says "tell mamma, tell mamma all", is beyond sexy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

Some Nina Simone for your bluesy Monday.

The little one hit the 3 month old mark this weekend and slept through the night last night without waking up to eat once. About 10 hours of blissful freedom and much needed sleep. I don't want to get too excited, because tonight he may resume waking up every 2 hours to eat....but... I kind of feel like I'm living this Nina Simone song today and decided maybe I would finally start this little here blog that I've been wanting to work on for some time.

Danielle at Sometimes Sweet posted about 5 goals to work on for the week and inspired me to come up with a list of my own. The categories are nutrition, exercise, relationships, creativity, and me-time. This last one has proven especially difficult with a new baby, but everyone knows happy parents are the best parents, so I'm going to try to squeak in some time for myself every day.

Nutrition: Make a plan for the garden we're going to do in our backyard and begin to get plants in the ground as soon as the rain stops. That way we'll have fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit all summer and hopefully beyond.

Add some in every day, the rain has made getting out for walks every day a little difficult, but when baby is napping I try to throw in some weight lifting.

Help foster my partner's creativity and goals as well, he has been really amazing at working to give me some breaks to do things I love and he deserves the same in return.

Sewing. It's been ages.

Read more, maybe try hitting one of the meetings of book clubs whose reading selections I've been eying for awhile.